Sunday, September 6, 2009

Fussy Baby/Frustrated Baby

Reagan's "colic" symptoms were textbook- started at 2 weeks, peaked at 6 weeks, subsized at 5 months. Inconsolable crying for long periods of time and a sense of serious discomfort for my baby. As a first time mom, this was a very difficult time. While my friends-also first-time moms, were enjoying these first months with their babies, I was almost in tears most nights. We tried everything to console her (strollers, car rides, pacifiers, sshhing, swaddling, bouncy seats, swings, the amby bed.. and on and on). One by one, we'd conclude that she didn't like them. We went through all of tests to rule out reflux, gasteo issues, teething, etc. Every pediatrician's appointment, I prayed for the "ah ha" moment where I would go home with a cured baby- it never came.

Reagan struggled in public places and new faces would set her off into tears. We didn't want to isolate ourselves, so we would try outings but knew they would probably be cut short. A few times I went to Target and saw new moms pushing around their new stroller with a sleeping baby inside. That looked amazing to me- but so far from our reality. Our new stroller was practically unused.

The diagnosis of colic was unsettling to me as no one could tell me exactly what it was and what it was caused by. I was just told- constant crying to extended periods of time is colic. But I needed to find out why she was crying and what I could do to help her. My lifesaver was a book called, "The Fussy Baby" by Dr. Sears. Also "Your Fussy Baby" by Dr. Marc Weissbluth and "Raising Your Spirited Child" by Mary Sheedy Kurcinka were great books. Even though we never did figure out the "why", these books gave great advice for parenting high needs babies, who require a great deal of soothing, holding etc. And the best thing I got from these books was reassurance that "you will get through this".

And we did! Now at 6 months, we couldn't be happier. Reagan is a happy, curious, full-of-energy little girl. We weathered the storm of our fussy days and they now seem like a distant memory.


  1. Sounds like you can get through anything now!!! Molly seemed to cry a lot, but I can't imagine having a coliky baby. Thank you for sharing!!!

  2. Wow, I totally felt your pain as Noelani was colicky for the first 2 months of her life. Thank God it didn't last longer than that! I was so scared to take her out for fear she would cry uncontrollably in public. I'm glad to hear those books helped you out and that Reagan's a happier baby now!

  3. Congrats on making it through those difficult first few months! I've only known Reagan post-colic and she is one happy, smiley baby now! =)

  4. Your website is really cool and this is a great inspiring article.
