Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Cool iPhone Apps

I read this and couldn't resist passing it along. There are apps for everything from tracking your breastfeeding to a baby monitor (I'll download and let you know if it works) to cooking. Check it out!


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing, Holly! Those are some cool apps!

    I shared one I found in the discussion on the meetup page about scheduling, and I'll repeat it here for those who might not have seen it.

    It's not actually an app, but the mobile version of the website is designed for the iPhone. You can use it to track feeding and sleeping or pretty much anything baby-related you could think of. You can switch between iPhone and computer and share it with other people (hubbie, childcare, doting grandparents, etc.)

    Then it makes all kinds of charts and graphs to help you identify patterns (you can only see these in the non-mobile version of the website). I particularly liked the sleep probability chart, which ranges from black to white to show how likely your baby is to be asleep or awake at any time during the day or night. Although in my case it was mostly similar shades of gray... but how satisfying it would be to see it change to clear areas of black and white as Alexa falls into a more consistent schedule!

    There is a free 2-week trial, after which you have to pay a monthly fee of $4-$8. I had fun doing the free trial and now I'm trying to decide whether to pay for it. (Of course, as an engineer, I'm all about data!)

    info about the iPhone version:

    And for those without iPhones, the website is even better than the mobile version:
