Saturday, October 3, 2009

Family Night Out

When Matthew was first born we used to go out to dinner all the time. He was so easy to take places because he just slept in his car seat the WHOLE time! Then after a couple months it became more difficult making it through a meal. We’d try to time it right, but he always ended up needing to be nursed, walked around, or sleep in my arms making it difficult for me to actually eat anything. My husband and I would trade off holding him while the other one ate and we’d try to get in and out as quickly as possible! Haha, not quite the ideal way to go out to dinner. We pretty much gave up on these outings until last night when we decided to give it another try. We left the car seat in the car and decided to let Matthew try the restaurant high chair for the first time (disgusting as they are). He’s been in his high chair at home for a while now, but the wooden ones in restaurants have no support so I wasn’t sure how long he’d be able to sit up in one. Well, he did great! He loved sitting at the table with us in his own chair. He loved playing with the napkins, smiling at everyone who passed by, and banging on the tiles of the table as if they were drums. (Not loudly enough to disturb other diners I hope!) My husband and I were actually able to take our time ordering, enjoy an appetizer, and chat while he played. While we were waiting for our dinner I fed Matthew some peas and squash. Then, when our food came he entertained himself with a sippy cup while we ate and continued our non-baby related conversation! After dinner, the little guy was still going strong so we decided to get dessert. By now he was done playing by himself and wanted to join in the conversation. He just kind of babbled and smiled at us while we finished dessert. We talked to him and told him how proud we were that he was such a good boy at the restaurant. By the time we got home we were about an hour late at starting his bedtime routine, but he didn’t seem to mind the change of schedule. It was so much fun going to dinner as a family, and yet another reminder that our little boy is growing up faster than I could have ever imagined. They really do not stay little for long, but somehow each new stage just gets better and better! 


  1. Laura
    We have had some very similar experiences before Madie was born we used to go out to eat a lot. Same thing when she was first born and then like you said it became harder. But lately she seems to enjoy the high chairs and smiling at people until they smile at her back. I am glad they are all growing up and we are able to take them more places!

  2. Aww this made me a little sad. It seems like the infant car seat days are now a distant memory.. pretty soon they will be ordering their own grilled cheese sandwiches-----
