Thursday, October 15, 2009

Black Hole of Baby Socks

With colder days approaching, I’ve switched Reagan’s wardrobe from shorts and tanks to jeans, hoodies and SOCKS! In the summer, I didn’t feel it was always necessary to put socks on her since it was so warm. But with cold seasons approaching, I added them as essentials to her everyday attire. On Monday, I dressed Reagan for the day and chose her “bow socks” for our outing- She looked adorable. I loaded her in the car and we were on our way.
We arrived to our first destination and, as I opened the door, I noticed that both socks were off of her feet and nowhere to be found. “What the heck happened to your socks“, I said to myself. As I looked around I found one on the other side of the seat, which she clearly pulled off and chucked across the car. The other was still missing. As I took her out of her car seat, I found the other that was nestled under her leg (not sure how it got there). I went to grab the sock, only to find it was soaking wet! Her car seat wasn’t wet and neither were her pants so the only other conclusion was that it had spent some time in her mouth. It was so wet, that it would be counterproductive to put it back on her foot to keep her warm as the damp sock would probably had made her cold. I didn’t bring another pair of socks but I couldn’t let her go barefoot since it was so cold outside. I looked in the diaper bag, the car seat and then I looked under the seat of the car. Sure enough, I found the black hole of baby socks- only there were no pairs- only singles. Apparently my car had been swallowing down these socks for quite some time and I had been oblivious to the whole thing.
For confirmation of my assumptions- the next day, I put Reagan in the car and sat from the side to watch the black hole in action. Sure enough- sock came off, in her mouth and then on the floor. It’s probably going to be a battle I just won’t win. But, it will only be cheap socks from here on out- any nice “bow socks” will probably be the first to be consumed by the black hole of baby socks.


  1. Haha, Matthew like to take his socks off too, and like everything else they go directly in the mouth! Funny how all babies seem to do very similar things.

  2. Ha! Too funny!! Hopefully by the time they are all walking they will no longer be putting everything - namely their foot coverings - in their mouths!
