Sunday, October 18, 2009

Date Weekend

Date weekend has now concluded and it was a success!

Knowing that Brett was going to spend the weekend with my folks, I packed up an ample amount of clothes, pajamas, etc. Because we spend so much time with my parents they already have their own supply of formula, diapers, socks, and toys. I also put together a small first-aid kit with infant Tylenol, Motrin, Mylicon, thermometer, and nose aspirator. I wrote a medical consent form and photo copied our insurance card onto the back of the letter. I wrote her birthdate and current estimated weight on a paper as well. Lastly, I wrote the amount of each kind of medicine she should receive should she need it. I felt very prepared to leave her with them and very comfortable about it!

Friday night I dropped Brett off at my parents house, picked my husband up at the airport and headed to Disneyland. We visited the Halloween Party at California Adventure and went to Disneyland to ride Space Mountain. We had a wonderful time! I only texted my family to make sure Brett went to sleep easily- and she did! We dragged our tired bodies home from Disneyland and quickly passed out when we got home. I slept a full 8-hours!

When I woke up on Saturday morning my husband was already gone- he had gone to my parents house to pick up Brett. Crazy though, she was still sleeping! She went to bed at her normal time at 7:30 and woke up at 6am. She then ate a few ounces of milk and fell back to sleep until 8am. She did GREAT! So, my husband brought her home and we all went out to breakfast. A few hours later we were packing up to leave for the wedding we were going to and took Brett back to my parents house.

We waved bye-bye to Brett and went on our way. I felt so comfortable leaving her with my parents. My husband and I checked into our hotel, got ready quickly and went off to the wedding (after a drink in the hotel bar). We had a wonderful time together dancing and drinking. In fact, I drink too much and we didn't quite get to enjoy our hotel time (if you know what I mean).

I called my parents in the morning and found that Brett had slept nearly 12 hours! She did great with them and they did great with her. My brothers even helped- so it was a whole family affair! I feel so lucky to have my family close to us and that they are so willing to help with Brett. My husband and I had a much needed weekend to ourselves.


  1. Holly- I am so glad to hear it was a success! We are leaving Madie over night at my parents house for the first time on Wednesday night! I am little hestitiant but it is our anniveresary and like you guys she spends so much time with my parents. I know she will do great! Thanks for all of the ideas on what to bring over there. You made me feel good about leaving her!

  2. Im totally laughing at this because the few times I've done overnighters, I get a little too excited about my freedom and forget my wine/liquor limits =) Oh well----there will be a romatice getaway one of these days...

  3. You're so prepared, Holly! Why am I not surprised!?! Sounds like a fun weekend!

  4. I am so happy for you guys! It was a much needed and well deserved weekend for all of you. Thanks for encouraging the rest of us! :)

  5. So great to hear that your adventure was a success! Hope to be able to do that sometime soon....
