Monday, October 19, 2009

Destination Parking Lot

Since I had Brett I spend more time in parking lots than I ever have before (and that includes being a high schooler making out with my boyfriend).

You stop in parking lots to change a diaper or to breastfeed. Or, as it is for me as I type this, hanging out in a parking lot while the baby sleeps. I couldn't get Brett to take her morning nap today. I knew I had to be at Gymboree at 1pm so I left my house exactly at noon and at 12:04 she was asleep. So, here I sit in the parking lot until she wakes up. Her nap usually goes 45-60min so we should walk in just in time!

I know many other moms can relate to this and my husband certainly can, too. My mom and I tried to go to the mall to buy a dress for me to wear to a wedding. Brett fell asleep on the way to the mall so my mom sat in the car in the parking lot while I did a speed shopping trip.

I am rambling now, because, what else do I have to do??? 13 minutes until class starts. I hope she wakes up in time.


  1. Ha, ha. I'm right there with you! We've begun leaving for swimming lessons an hour early just for this purpose (who says Ava's not on a schedule?). :) I actually now keep a stash of books/magazines in the car. When else can a mom read???

  2. Ha ha! I thought I saw your car there today when we pulled in in my moms car! But you never came in so I assumed it was someone else car!

  3. Haha, we're still using the infant car seat because I love that I can move it to the stroller without waking Matthew up if he falls asleep. Once he moves to the bigger one I'm sure we'll be right there with you hanging out in parking lots! Thank God for the iPhone to keep me occupied. =)

  4. I have the opposite problem.. Reagan WONT sleep in the car. So I have to plan my outings to make sure Im home for nap times. It puts a lot of restrictions on what we can do during the day

  5. Lilly's Mom, Laura V.October 23, 2009 at 1:04 PM

    I thought I was the only one sitting in parking lots and driving around to keep my baby asleep! Lilly STILL prefers the car over her crib, so I can totally relate - even too much so! It sure is a pain to wake her when running errands, too! It's nice to know I'm not alone in changing diapers, feeding and sleeping in cars in this crazy world of mommyhood -and we still wouldn't trade it for the world!
