Monday, August 31, 2009

Distracted Baby Breastfeeding

Many of my friends have seen how difficult it is for me to get Brett to breast feed. She sucks for a minute and then unlatches to look around, re-latches on for a few sucks, looks around, etc. This will go on and on for as long as I let it. Now that she is really good at rolling over she will let go, roll over and start to crawl away.

I had the idea to put on a necklace to distract her while she was nursing. I put on a long necklace that is just a bunch of gold rings and long enough to slip over my head. It worked! She played with it while she was nursing and she stayed latched on for 8 whole minutes! This is a record lately (except for bedtime, but that is another story).

I have used this necklace four times now and it works each time. If anyone else is having a problem with a distracted baby give this a try- it just might help you out!

1 comment:

  1. I agree - I often wear a chunky bead necklace so it doesn't matter if he pulls and breaks it with his death grip!
