Sunday, July 5, 2009


Well, here it is. The 'blog' for New Moms. I am starting this blog so that I can share what it is like raising my first child. After Brett was born in January it, obviously, changed my life in more ways than I could have imagined.
To add to the changes, my husband and I decided that it would be best for me to leave my high-stress career and stay home with Brett. I made this decision after much deliberation. Here I am, 5 months after Brett was born and 2 months since I resigned, still having doubts about my decision. It has been tough for my own personal identity to go from a successful career woman to a mom. I find myself talking to other career-people and almost being embarrassed to say I don't work, rather than being proud of it. It's hard these days to live off of one income and I feel so lucky that my husband can support the three of us. We certainly are having to make some lifestyle changes, but it is worth it. I'm sure it won't be much longer until I am completely confident in the decision, right...?


  1. I have always been happy that I was able to stay home with my three children. If you can do it, do it!

  2. Thank you for being so courageous and honest in sharing your experiences, Holly. I have also found it difficult to leave my job and adjust to this title as a "new mom". But somehow I know I made the right decision every time I see my little one gazing back at me. Now being a mommy is a tough job, but it's the best job in the whole world!

  3. It is so great that you posted how you are feeling. I think its a tough decision for almost anyone. I, unfortunately, had to go back to work, and its funny when you said that you are almost embarrased to say you're a stay at home mom, because I feel embarrased when I say that I'm a working mom. I feel like I'm telling the world that I'm a bad mom. But I've noticed that now that I'm working I love every moment that I spend with my son and can't wait to spend time with him. If anyone has gone through this, any advice on how to get through the difficult transition would be much appreciated. I cried so much my first week of work, but it seems to get a little easier each day.

  4. I am sooo jealous. I am dreading September because I will have to go back to work. I'm going to miss my little guy everyday!!! You are lucky that Brett gets to spend so much time with you, even though it's hard to adjust. Hang in there!!!

  5. Holly, I would suggest:
    1. Stay At Home Survival Guide by Melissa Stanton.

    and I'm currently reading:
    The Ten Year Nap by Meg Wolitzer. This is fiction but fun read.
