Thursday, July 16, 2009

Immunization Relief

The immunization discussion is very personal to each individual family and the intent of this blog is not to push my thoughts and feelings about whether or not your should immunize your child onto you.

If you have chosen to immunize your child I wanted to share ideas that have been discussed amongst our group members on how to comfort your child during and after the injections.

  1. Push on the spot that the injection will be placed - this will distract from the upcoming prick of the needle
  2. Try nursing during the injections to distract your baby
  3. Numbing ointments are now available to rub on the injection site prior to the injection being received
  4. After the immunizations are received get to a location where your baby can stretch out. Help her move her legs around so that the vaccine doesn’t sit in one spot. This will help reduce swelling and redness


  1. It also helps Molly if I nurse her immediately after the shots. She calms down immediately and typically falls asleep.

    Thanks for sharing Holly!!!

  2. Those are all really great tips. I will keep those in mind the next time we go in for those dreadful shots. Thank you for sharing that with us!
