Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sick Baby

So today is/was Mike's last day of the time he took off of work for the rest of his paid family leave time. We have had such a busy week full of errands and Dr. appointments and Disneyland that we decided we would treat ourselves to a nice sushi lunch today. Mike goes up and orders our food and I start feeding Madie in the high chair. Suddenly, after like 5 bites of food she starts throwing up. This is the first time. I have never handled throw up very well, so my first time handling as a mom I was not quite sure what to do. I started consoling her because it scared her and she was crying. I was cleaning her up while trying to hold back my own vomit. Fortunately, Mike took the tray which had the brunt of the vomit on it and washed it and flushed it down the toilet. Poor Madie was just beside herself. She had it on her glasses and everywhere. I just felt bad the first time she throws up she has to do it public in a sushi restaurant. So we cleaned up as best as we could, and got our food to go.
When she is sick with a cold and a cough and some sort of other bug it breaks my heart. She is always full of smiles and laughing and talking to herself. That not to see her smiling makes me sad. I just want to take the sick out of her and be sick for her. She does not understand to drink something or to brush your teeth to get the throw up taste out of your mouth.
There are so many things that you just don't think about when you are prego. This for me about how to handle the first time she throws up in public was one of them!


  1. Brett has been sick for 12 days now and it has been so hard for me. However, we haven't dealt with throw-up yet so I can't even imagine what that is like. I'm so happy you didn't throw up yourself- what a mess that would've been for Mike to clean up! LOL

  2. So sad!!!!!!!!! I hate when Molly is sick too. It sounds like you and Mike handled it very well!

  3. I love the "take the sick out of her and be sick for her." I feel the EXACT same way!
