Tuesday, November 10, 2009


I showered with Ava tonight. I used to do this a lot – well, actually all the time – when she was younger. She hated that crummy infant tub that got set up all alone on the counter and much preferred a little skin to skin contact in a warm shower with Mom or Dad. So that’s just what we did for about four months. However, with the acquisition of the skill of sitting, Ava has very much enjoyed a bubble bath complete with toys, splashing and laughing for the last month and a half. Yet, tonight we were running late on our already slightly late bed time of 8:30 to 9:00, so I decided just to jump in with her to make it quick. Which brings me to my point…

I COULDN’T BELIEVE HOW BIG SHE’D GOTTEN!! I mean really, I think she’s sprouted up in the last two months right before my eyes and I didn’t even realize it. She’s so long that when I hold her against me her head is well above my shoulders and her feel hit the top of my thighs! She looks like a little girl, not a baby.

So, I stood snuggling with my precious daughter and thinking that being a Mom really is the best. I can’t imagine ANYTHING more rewarding - albeit challenging - than spending everyday watching your own flesh and blood, the product of all the love you have with your husband, grow and learn and flourish. I’ll admit, though, that I have a hard time with the “grow” part. I keep wishing I could keep Ava little forever. I LOVED her newborn stage, when all she needed was to snuggle and nurse, and all I had to do was get to know her. Don’t get me wrong, I’m excited for all the new stages, and things now are really fun. Seeing her laughing and knowing her name and reaching up for me and starting to crawl all over me… it’s the best. But there’s something bittersweet about all the growing because eventually she’ll grow away; grow into kindergarten and then middle school and then high school and then college (Ivy League, I’m sure J) and then off into a family of her own. It’s going to go so fast!

I think I’ve found the answer for all you Moms that might share my sentiments: JUST KEEP HAVING KIDS! (Laugh, laugh, smile, smile!) It did occur to me tonight, though, that I’m not sure if I’d ever be “done” having kids. I’m SURE my husband will be (I’ve got him firmly talked into three, but four is going to need some serous convincing!), but for me, I think that I’ll just never get enough.


  1. Mollie
    I keep telling my husband with each passing month she is getting to old. Too independent! Months 4-6 were the best for me. I love her now to pieces. But she was so easy to please. Milk, milk, and more milk. It was so easy to get her to smile for the camera! I just look at Madie now and realize in three months she is not going to be a baby anymore she will be a toddler. I am getting teary eyed just writing this because I will miss my baby!

  2. Mollie--
    I thought the same thing last night. I told Brad, that even though we haven't even had #2 yet, I still miss both of them already (when they grow up and move away- go to college etc)!!! When Reagan was a newborn we struggled so much with her colic- I couldn't wait until she was 6 mo, 8 mo etc. Now all I want is to stop that frickin clock.
    They are never going to 8 months, 9 months a year again. Once it comes, it goes just as quickly. Before having Reagan, days came an went so casually. Now I try to savor each one with her!! We will all have to keep in touch when our babies grown up so we can cry on each other's shoulders and be sappy over baby pictures!
