Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Shark Attacks

Reagan has started the "ever so endearing" what we call--shark attacks! We call these "kisses" shark attacks because they resemble the jaws of a shark taking down it's next meal.
She starts by aggressively grabbing hold of my hair and positioning my face in direct access to her mouth. What hair I have left from post pregnancy hair loss, comes out wrapped around her fingers. She then heads in for the kill, opens her mouth as wide as she can and swallows down any part of my face that will fit her her mouth (usually a chin, nose or cheek) . While in the death grip, she will take one of her hands and hook either a nostril or corner of my mouth with her fingers (this is when I realize I haven't trimmed her nails in a while because she can sometimes break skin!). By this time I am crying mercy and trying frantically to get out of the death grip/shark bite. I laugh every time at, first, how funny they are and, second, how stinkin STRONG she is!! Marking these to priceless moments with my daughter!!


  1. Haha, I love it! Matthew does the same thing! If I ask him to 'give mommy a kiss' he'll grab me by the cheeks, open his mouth, and pull me in towards his face (basically tries to eat my mouth). Not quite a "kiss" but SO cute!! =)

  2. LOVE it! I can't wait until Ava has her first "shark attack!"

  3. This made me laugh because it is so true. I love to see how Noelani tries to express her affection with that kung fu death grip! I guess sometimes love hurts! :)

  4. Hmmmm...James does this sometimes & I can't figure out if he's tring to give a kiss or trying to tell me he's hungry!
