Monday, September 28, 2009

Baby's First Trip

Last weekend, we were invited to attend a wedding in Lake Arrowhead. When we first received the invitation I immediately went through the new mom array of emotions...excitement to uncertainty to pure anxiety.

I have been a HUGE stickler for Molly's nighttime routine. During her first few months of life we struggled to get to bed by 1am, so when we finally established a structured bedtime routine (that was working fabulously), it was VERY hard for me to mix it up! Despite my reservations we RSVP'd yes for the wedding.

As the weekend approached, I tried to establish a plan on what to bring and how we would set up our hotel room so we could all try to get some sleep. Molly has always slept in her crib, she's just slept better sleeping with silence verses hearing our sleeping noises, so you can probably imagine why I was worried about suddenly sleeping in the same room. Now I do have to admit, we had our secret weapon...adjoining rooms with my parents! Now you're probably thinking, "why in the world are you worried about the trip when you have back-up!?" I know my feelings of anxiety were pretty silly, but I couldn't stop myself from worrying.

The weekend quickly approaches. The day before we are suppose to leave, I have to pick Molly up from school early because she has the stomach flu (that's a whole different blog entry =). Later that night she was 90% better so we decided to continue with our trip.

When we arrive in Lake Arrowhead, my husband & I leave Molly in the care of my parents as we venture off to the wedding. We enjoyed having our adult time while being able to see Molly every couple hours. Half way through the reception I realize that I caught the stomach flu and needed to go to bed early....I know, what a bummer!!! As I continue to have a rough night, Molly's care now fell in the hands of my dear husband. I only heard her get up a couple times throughout the night, better than I thought she would do. In the morning I come to find out that she had been up for 2-3 hours straight because she had problems breathing through her nose full of boogers (of course we forgot the saline nasal spray & aspirator).

Although we ended up having unforeseen challenges, we were glad to have made the jump to take Molly on her first trip! Hopefully next time we can enjoy our time together while staying healthy and rested =)!

Here's to another first as a new mom!


  1. I admire your strength to pull through that experience despite the both of you being sick. Congrats!

  2. Wowzers, it was hard enought o travle with Madie when she was not sick. I can't imagine her being sick!

  3. Ahhh Murphy's Law!

    I'm sure in a few years we will all sit and laugh together about these fun adventures of parenthood and the infamous "first trips".
    At least you were able to attend part of the wedding =)
