Monday, September 21, 2009


Where else but on a Mom's blog can I post about poop! So this morning, Madie was playing in her exersaucer! We had decided not to go on the walk this morning because she had a rough night! She is no longer sleeping through the night and it's been the roughest on me I think! So she was entertaining herself as she does now quite nicely! As I of course checked my email, and played on the computer! I picked her up out of the exersaucer, and to my surprise she was really wet. I looked down thinking it was pee and it was not. It was poop! When I picked her up I noticed it was down her leg all over the exersaucer, on the floor now and all over me. I had one of those OMG moments thinking to myself what do I do? Then I thought why does she do this when Mike is at work and I have no one to help me. So i put her on her changing table and took off the diaper and the onesie and realized it was worse than I thought! She had it up her stomach and her back to. So I ended up bathing her and myself, and starting yet another load of laundry. I had to chuckle to myself as that has to be in the top 5 of all the ones she has ever done! Nothing beats the time at Disneyland all over Mike! So I have scrubbed at the exersaucer seat and hopes that when Mike gets home he can figure out how to get the seat off so it to can be cleaned. Oh what a morning!


  1. Yuck! What is it with their poop! It's a magnet to everything but their diaper!

  2. Just when you think your day is going as planned... you get one of these little surprises! LOL

  3. Sounds like it was a poop-tastrophy! Gotta love those explosions from front to back. Did Mike get that seat off? Hey, at least she's pooping now and not constipated! Glad you got through that one!
