Brett's first Christmas is quickly approaching. I told myself early on that I wouldn't go overboard with Christmas this year because, even though she is 11 months old now (I know, I can hardly believe it myself), she won't really know what is going on. I know she will like the wrapping paper more than the gifts so my husband and I said we would get her one Santa gift and one gift from each of us. Plus, stocking stuffers.
So, that was the plan going into the season. Her stocking is now well-stuffed with bubbles, teething toys and music instruments from Gymboree, as well as a couple books and bath toys. Her Santa gift was purchased. Then I bought her a couple more books, then a blanket, and an outfit, and another toy, and another one. Someone make me stop! So, now she has a little under a dozen things to open and that doesn't include anything that my husband may have purchased but hasn't wrapped yet. Don't forget that these are just the gifts at our house and don't include the gifts from either set of grandparents or great-grandparents or aunts and uncles. So much for a small Christmas.
Then, there are the ornaments. I have three, yes three, Baby's First Christmas ornaments. This is not because three people bought them for me and gave them as gifts. No. I purchased all three on my own. Why? Well, they are all so different. The first one I bought was a mommy and daddy snowman and the mommy is holding a baby snowman. Then I bought the snow bunny that has all of Brett's birth information. Last, I bought a straight Baby's 1st Christmas ornament.
This holiday truly has been more fun with a baby around. It is so fun to see her look at the lights, the tree, the decorations, the packages! We have enjoyed outdoor events and even a trip to the merriest place on earth, Disneyland! It has been such a great season and we haven't even gotten to Christmas Day yet! It just goes to show that Christmas is so much more than the gifts, it truly is the spirit of the entire season!
I agree with you! I started out with just one present and then it has turned into 4. One I already opened for her. The holidays have been a lot more fun this year! Especially when everytime she see's a light she exclaims "Light!"