Saturday, December 12, 2009

Changes and Routines

As Brett is approaching her one-year birthday I can't believe how things have changed. She is independent, but not. Can walk, but doesn't. Should still be eating baby food but prefers people food.

She took 9 steps last weekend between my husband and I. We were both so thrilled but also a little sad- how quickly time truly does go by! Now, she has to be 'walked' everywhere with me holding her hands. This has led to me getting even less done than before because both of my hands are occupied. It is quite fun though. She likes to try to run and when she does she smiles and does a high-pitched shriek!

She may also be going through a growth spurt right now because she is sleeping SO much. I feel like I am going to jinx it now that I am typing it out, but for the last 4 nights she has slept 12 hours! Then, after she is awake for 3 hours she goes down for a morning nap that has lasted between 1-2 hours. It is so nice to be able to get things done. I actually baked cookies two days ago (they were terrible, but still, I baked them)! I can only hope that this lasts! It is strange, but wonderful, to actually have a routine. Her nighttime routine remains the same. She is still in the bath by 6:30 and sleeping by 7pm.

I am having so much fun as Brett enters this stage of movement and communication. She started signing 'all done' to us last week! She also waves bye-bye (sometimes at inappropriate times). Yesterday, she held her toy phone to her head as if she was talking to it. I can hardly believe how quickly she is changing and learning.

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