From the time we brought little Brett home we realized that poop was going to be a big part of our daily lives, and conversation. I remember the first time we were truly 'exposed.' We were getting ready to put Brett in her bath on the countertop. My husband was holding her and she started pooping! He had his hands on both sides of her bottom and it was squirting out! He held her over the sink (it was the closest thing to us) until she was finished. We just looked at each other and then immediately burst into laughter! Who thought poop would ever be so funny?
I guess I am remembering this moment as I took Brett out of her car seat tonight to find that there was poop under my fingernails. Yes, another blowout... I have spent some time this evening disassembling the car seat and placing all cloth components into the laundry. I am still pondering how to scrub the seatbelt, because it managed to get on there as well. I am not looking forward to this.
And, why do these things happen when my husband is out of town? Oh well, I wonder at what age the blowouts will end...? At least the poop is getting to be less runny as more baby food is introduced. I guess I can be grateful for that.
Besides how could I ever be upset with that face...?
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