I left my husband at home tonight with Brett so that I could run to Babies R Us. You see, they are having a special on Gerber baby food. The two packs are 10 for $10. This is a savings of up to $.59 per pack! I bought the usual items- sweet potatoes, carrots, pears, peaches, peas and green beans (although Brett has yet to taster the last three). I bought 20 packs (so 40 small containers) to add to my already stuffed cabinets. I figure I have enough to last about a month. I was feeling good about the money I saved as I loaded it all up into my car!
Next stop, Bed Bath and Beyond. If you've never been to the one next to Babies R Us in Tustin it is worth the trip! They have everything there! As I was wandering through the aisles I discovered all of the grinders, mixers, freezers, etc. for making your own baby food. I suddenly felt guilty! Should I be making Brett's food?
I recall being out with one of the moms from New Moms of South Orange County and she was feeding her son something that looked quite yummy. When I asked her what it was she told me a mixture of pumpkin, avocado and something else (sorry, can't remember). I asked her if she had made it and she said, with a big smile, "I make all of his food!" I thought that was so cool that she made his food but I also wondered how she had the time. Besides, I can barely carve a pumpkin let alone cook one!
Well, I haven't solved this dilemma in my head yet but it is now in the forefront of my mind and, as I try to look for ways to cut household costs, I think this could be a good way to save money. I guess I could cook instead of blog but blogging seems so much more fun.
More to come on this one...
Saw the link to your blog through meetup! I made all of Gavin's food by myself, it was so easy and so much healthier! I think I spent one Sunday a month making it for about 1-2 hrs. The magic bullet is amazing! You can steam and grind in the same container and they wash so easily. Then freeze the food in an ice cube tray and transfer them into labeled ziploc bags. When ready for a meal just pop a couple cubes in the microwave on low. Sooooo easy and inexpensive. You can find recipes on the web, or just be creative.