Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What an experience!

So today Madison and I decided to do grocery shopping for this weekend and for Thanksgiving! Knowing how crazy things are going to be this weekend, we thought we would do it early. Usually, we go with Mike, but he was still at work. So I figured how hard could it be. To do this by myself. She was napped, fed and nine months old! Well, I always put my high chair cover thing in the shopping cart, and with Madison's round stomach the straps to hold her in would not fit. So I left her unstrapped. We get in and set out for our first mission a turkey. We find the turkey and continue on with our list. Madison at this age is so curious. She does not just want to sit in the cart she wants to turn around and look and she what is going in the cart, and what is going on behind us! I am a big coupons shopper and the whole time Madison is trying to shred my coupons and my list. i keep telling her, " No, mommy needs to shop with the list!" Anyways, we make it through the market! I hand the lady my rewards card, and then that was the last time I remembered seeing my keys! I always carry my purse, but lately it is just one more thing to take down the stairs. So I have been putting it all in the diaper bag. So I have the diaper bag, 4 bags of groceries and a turkey in my cart. Suddenly, I realize I don't have my keys. I got back and ask the lady who checked me out if I had left them there. No. Okay I figure they must be in my cart. So I get outside to my car and start searching the cart. Not in the cart, I scour the diaper bag. Not in there. Look in all of my bags. Nope. By this time I am panicking. What happened to my keys1 My poor daughter at this point is still in the cart smiling at strangers as they passed by. Probably thinking please take me home my mom is loony! Two complete strangers came up to me and asked me what was wrong. I now feel like a complete moron! Who looses there keys? Finally, call Mike. I need help here! At the very least he can take Madie home and I can go and retrace my steps. So he comes to the rescue, and goes inside the damn grocery store and appears tow minutes later holding my keys! Where they were I don't know! He said some lady was holding them? I hope to God she was bringing them to me! But I will never know! So form now on I am bringing my purse. I don't seem to function well with out it!


  1. Too funny! I have been using my diaper bag as my purse since day one because it is one less item to worry about. I have a specific place for my keys so I know where they are. Maybe give it another shot. =)

  2. This is hilarious! I used my diaper bag as my purse for the first 2 1/2 months (when I was home with Shreyas) but once I started working I would lose things constantly b/c I didn't have the diaper bag anymore. Now I use a clutch that I move into the diaper bag or my work bag depending on what day it is. But I still can't find my keys to my husband's car!
