Great blog Holly!! Thanks for all the fun meetups you organize for all of us! Hope this becomes a great place for us to share and post ideas, stories.
Nathan is turning 10 months old in 6 days. Time flies by so fast! He's getting faster with his crawling, pulls himself up on every piece of furniture, cruises around. Not stading on his own yet, but not anxious to see that soon. He's fast already, keeping me busy enough. :-)
Reading Holly's posts, I remember when my breatmilk supply dipped down couple times before. I think it was around when Nathan was 6 months old and then 8 months. He would suck and suck and be frustrated cuz I didn't have any more milk for him. I really thought it was the end of the breastfeeding for us. We tried all kinds of stuff. Pumping, keep feeding(even though it wouldn't be sufficient, just had him keep sucking and stimulating the breast as much as possible), Fenugreek, soymilk,lots of fluid. I think Fenugreek pills and soymilk, water consumption was what worked for us. Oh, and constant nightfeedings helped too. Nathan usually sleeps through the night, until a month ago, when he started to wake up several times each night to be fed! I suppose he was going through some growth spurt or he was teething. I was bewildered at first, but then, it seemed to boost up my supply the following day.
I've heard from many mothers at LLL(La Leche League) meetings mentioning the "Mother's Milk" syrup capsules. And also worst case scenario, if you're really desperate, I've heard Dr. Sears prescribes safe meds to help relactation. There's also a prescription that can be imported from Canada which has a reputation to help lactate adopting mothers too. I didn't try either of these since my supply was already back. But some mothers were swearing by these.
Well, got a bit carried away talking about breatmilk. It's quite an important issue for us too, so I had to share what I could. Hope any part of my story helps what you're going though, Holly.
Nathan and I won't be mobile for a while, I guess. Joseph(my hubby) is going to get his flat tire fixed hopefully by tomorrow. Hope to see you ladies soon though.
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