Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Flu

There has been a lot of discussion surrounding the flu shots. In our home we decided that we would all get the regular flu shot (including Brett) and then if any of us got ill we would know if was H1N1. This was the plan until Friday, when we went to our 9-month pediatircian appointment.
The pediatrician recommended that all three of us get both flu shots. In fact, the doctor had the H1N1 flu mist vaccine for adults and offered it to my husband and I. We quickly agreed that we would take it to protect Brett. She got the regular flu shot and we got the mist for H1N1. No big deal, right?

Brett was out of sorts for almost two days. I am now sick! I have a sore throat and a stuff nose and my chest is congested. Apparently, these are all side effects of the flu mist. I was also told today, when I called the nurseline of my insurance company, that since I am experiencing symptoms there is a slight risk of transmitting it to those I have close contact with! Well, needless to say, I am a bit scared that Brett is foot to get sick. I've taken tylenol and am trying to avoid too close of contact with her.

Be careful with what vaccines you choose. The mist is a live version of the flu whereas the shot is a dead version. I knew this going into it but I thought I wouldn't have side effects. Hopefully my household stays healthy through this flu season and hopefully my 'side effects' leave quickly!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Good Boy!

Actually, I mean my husband :)

When he was at the gym a few days ago he picked up a copy of OC Family magazine because he noticed that the cover story was "Fatherhood." It's hilarious for me to think of him on a bike or between sets at the gym reading this, but I'm proud of him for doing it! The current October 2009 issue also has articles on protecting your family from H1N1 and on raising a good reader (other issues we're all concerned about). But the best is the cover article on Redefining Dad: how fathers are more involved than ever before and enjoying it too. It's not a long article (just a few pages) but it's great for me to see this in the media, and probably great for our involved hubbies to see they are not alone and are being celebrated for pulling double shifts (work + home) just like so many of us mommies have been doing for decades.

Go Dads!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Keeping Our Kids Safe

Last night, I fell into my couch in exhaustion. I reflected on our chaotic day, how tired I was and how much sleep I was NOT going to get that night. I sipped on some wine and turned on the television in an attempt to catch up on my favorite shows- Oprah was on.
The topic of the day was of Jaycee Dugard- the young 11 year old girl, kidnapped, held captive and abused for 18 years. Every time I read about this story, my blood boils- not only in sorrow for this young girl who had to endure years of unconscionable abuse, but also, for the mother/parents of Jaycee. I soon realized my frustrations for the night were so minuscule compared to those that this mother endured every night for those 18 years. I’m sure she would have given anything to go to bed exhausted from a day with her daughter and wake up though the night for feedings- at least she would know her daughter was alive and safe. Instead, her sleepless nights were probably consumed with prayers for her daughters’ return and wandering thoughts of where she was, who she’s with, was she alive, was she being cared for and God forbid, the worst thought of, was she being abused or hurt. As a mom, I imagine, her only wish every night was to comfort her daughter and hold her tightly.
I can’t bring myself to even imagine the thought of my daughter being kidnapped and taken from our lives. My life, as I know it, would be over. I would never be able to move past that day, and for the rest of my life I would be sick with worry about her 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. I can’t imagine that I would ever I find joy in anything. Thoughts of her safety, her happiness, her well-being would play like a broken record in my mind. I then thought about the other mom’s who had to endure or are still enduring this horrible anguish- Elizabeth Smith’s mother, Natalie Holloway’s mother, Madeline McCain’s mother and countless other mothers who have lost their children. The experiences these mothers have gone though ran the worst chills up my spine.
As I finished the Oprah show, I became more pessimistic of the world around us. How could someone be so evil as to shatter the futures of these kids and place such a shadow of despair over these families for the rest of their lives? How did several of these abductions happen at the childrens’ home or with parents close by? And how do we keep our children safe- knowing we can’t shelter them forever?
The next day I went to Target with Reagan. As we moved through the aisles, I saw several employees sifting through the store quickly. They all had walkie talkies and were chanting “code yellow”. I looked back and saw one mother frantically describing her daughter to one of the employees. My heart sunk. 5 minutes later one of the employees appeared with the girl and everyone let out a sigh of relief. I was amazed at the organization and swift action this team of employees took to find this child. They dropped everything and just short of locking down the store, they swept into action. My thoughts went back to Jaycee Dugard. There were so many missed opportunities to find this girl. Had authorities and others taken the same approach as these Target employees did to find this missing girl, I do believe Jaycee would have been home a lot earlier and maybe would not have been kidnapped from the start (this man should have never been released from jail).
Moral of my story- Unfortunately, we can’t shelter our kids forever. We can do our part to educate our children about safety and strangers, but I don’t think that is enough. I strongly believe Sex offenders and child predators need to face stronger sanctions and segregation from our children. And we need more people like these Target employees, who would not give up until a child was found- safe and sound.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Destination Parking Lot

Since I had Brett I spend more time in parking lots than I ever have before (and that includes being a high schooler making out with my boyfriend).

You stop in parking lots to change a diaper or to breastfeed. Or, as it is for me as I type this, hanging out in a parking lot while the baby sleeps. I couldn't get Brett to take her morning nap today. I knew I had to be at Gymboree at 1pm so I left my house exactly at noon and at 12:04 she was asleep. So, here I sit in the parking lot until she wakes up. Her nap usually goes 45-60min so we should walk in just in time!

I know many other moms can relate to this and my husband certainly can, too. My mom and I tried to go to the mall to buy a dress for me to wear to a wedding. Brett fell asleep on the way to the mall so my mom sat in the car in the parking lot while I did a speed shopping trip.

I am rambling now, because, what else do I have to do??? 13 minutes until class starts. I hope she wakes up in time.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Date Weekend

Date weekend has now concluded and it was a success!

Knowing that Brett was going to spend the weekend with my folks, I packed up an ample amount of clothes, pajamas, etc. Because we spend so much time with my parents they already have their own supply of formula, diapers, socks, and toys. I also put together a small first-aid kit with infant Tylenol, Motrin, Mylicon, thermometer, and nose aspirator. I wrote a medical consent form and photo copied our insurance card onto the back of the letter. I wrote her birthdate and current estimated weight on a paper as well. Lastly, I wrote the amount of each kind of medicine she should receive should she need it. I felt very prepared to leave her with them and very comfortable about it!

Friday night I dropped Brett off at my parents house, picked my husband up at the airport and headed to Disneyland. We visited the Halloween Party at California Adventure and went to Disneyland to ride Space Mountain. We had a wonderful time! I only texted my family to make sure Brett went to sleep easily- and she did! We dragged our tired bodies home from Disneyland and quickly passed out when we got home. I slept a full 8-hours!

When I woke up on Saturday morning my husband was already gone- he had gone to my parents house to pick up Brett. Crazy though, she was still sleeping! She went to bed at her normal time at 7:30 and woke up at 6am. She then ate a few ounces of milk and fell back to sleep until 8am. She did GREAT! So, my husband brought her home and we all went out to breakfast. A few hours later we were packing up to leave for the wedding we were going to and took Brett back to my parents house.

We waved bye-bye to Brett and went on our way. I felt so comfortable leaving her with my parents. My husband and I checked into our hotel, got ready quickly and went off to the wedding (after a drink in the hotel bar). We had a wonderful time together dancing and drinking. In fact, I drink too much and we didn't quite get to enjoy our hotel time (if you know what I mean).

I called my parents in the morning and found that Brett had slept nearly 12 hours! She did great with them and they did great with her. My brothers even helped- so it was a whole family affair! I feel so lucky to have my family close to us and that they are so willing to help with Brett. My husband and I had a much needed weekend to ourselves.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Black Hole of Baby Socks

With colder days approaching, I’ve switched Reagan’s wardrobe from shorts and tanks to jeans, hoodies and SOCKS! In the summer, I didn’t feel it was always necessary to put socks on her since it was so warm. But with cold seasons approaching, I added them as essentials to her everyday attire. On Monday, I dressed Reagan for the day and chose her “bow socks” for our outing- She looked adorable. I loaded her in the car and we were on our way.
We arrived to our first destination and, as I opened the door, I noticed that both socks were off of her feet and nowhere to be found. “What the heck happened to your socks“, I said to myself. As I looked around I found one on the other side of the seat, which she clearly pulled off and chucked across the car. The other was still missing. As I took her out of her car seat, I found the other that was nestled under her leg (not sure how it got there). I went to grab the sock, only to find it was soaking wet! Her car seat wasn’t wet and neither were her pants so the only other conclusion was that it had spent some time in her mouth. It was so wet, that it would be counterproductive to put it back on her foot to keep her warm as the damp sock would probably had made her cold. I didn’t bring another pair of socks but I couldn’t let her go barefoot since it was so cold outside. I looked in the diaper bag, the car seat and then I looked under the seat of the car. Sure enough, I found the black hole of baby socks- only there were no pairs- only singles. Apparently my car had been swallowing down these socks for quite some time and I had been oblivious to the whole thing.
For confirmation of my assumptions- the next day, I put Reagan in the car and sat from the side to watch the black hole in action. Sure enough- sock came off, in her mouth and then on the floor. It’s probably going to be a battle I just won’t win. But, it will only be cheap socks from here on out- any nice “bow socks” will probably be the first to be consumed by the black hole of baby socks.


When we brought Madie home from the hospital she was a great sleeper. She would sleep in 4-6 hours stretches when most babies would only do 2. She slept in our room for the first 4.5 months in her bassinet. I remember the night we transferred her to her crib I spent half the night on the floor in her room because I thought she was going to have trouble sleeping in a new bed. She did not. She woke up her usual one time a night. Then after that, after about 2 weeks. She started sleeping through the night. She slept great through the night with out missing a beat until she was 7 months old. Then for the past month she has been up once or twice or even three times a night to eat. She won't have anything to do with rocking, and frankly I don't either at 3:30 in the morning. So I bring her back in bed with us and I nurse her until she falls asleep again and then I transfer her back to her bed. Sometimes if I am lucky she will sleep through the rest of the night. But most of the time she is up at least once more. I was so proud to tell people she was a great sleeper. Now it looks like my months of bragging have caught up with me. Every night we tell her to be a big girl and sleep through the night. It is like her way of mocking us at 8 months old. Nope not going to do it tonight guys! I love my little girl so much, but all I want for Christmas this year is my sleep back!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Travel Debate

After mulling this over with my husband and parents I have decided NOT to go to New York. It is such an internal struggle for me. So often I feel trapped (sorry to say) by motherhood and I just want to get away and go do something for myself. Then, when the situation presented itself, I couldn't bring myself to leave her. Just thinking about it made my stomach tie itself in knots. A Saturday-Tuesday trip was just too long.

So, we have decided to have a Date Weekend and leave Brett with my parents for two nights. This is a small step from the one night we left her with them, but isn't the three nights away that the NYC trip would've been. Plus, I am nearby should there be a problem (I know there won't be a problem). So, my hubby and I will be going to dropping Brett off on Friday late afternoon and picking her up on Sunday in the late morning. We will be going to Disneyland on Friday night and then a wedding on Saturday night. We are going to stay in a hotel on Saturday night so it is more of a 'getaway.'

The crazy thing is, I woke up last night and couldn't sleep. I was thinking about everything that could go wrong with Brett at my parents house. The main thing I think of is her crawling out of the sliding door and falling in the pool. I'm sure this would never actually happen but I just can't stop worrying about it.

Well, hopefully I will let myself relax enough to have an enjoyable weekend. I'm sure a glass of wine or two will help calm me down...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Travel with No Baby?

I am in a great internal debate about whether or not to take a 3 day trip to New York with my husband without Brett. We would be leaving her with my parents for 3 nights. My husband travels weekly so for him it is no big deal but I can't make up my mind! I want to go so badly but, can I leave Brett for that long? I have left her twice for overnights with my parents but 3 nights?!?!!

I have to make up my mind by tonight so any input is appreciated!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Dinner, fussiness and all

So today I thought Mike has a had a rough week at work that I would cook one of his favorite casseroles from his childhood as a surprise! I am not a cook. I can follow a recipe that my mom made a zillion times as a child, but can't just come up with something off the top of my head. While Madie was napping, or screaming in the process of going to sleep, I started browning the meat. I thought I can at least get most of it made while she sleeps and combine it when she wakes up and put her in the exersaucer. Well, her nap lasted about 15 minutes, I let her fuss some in her crib and then I went and got her. I put her in the exersaucer and immediately she starts wailing. Knowing i now had about 1 hour until Mike got home, I picked her and soothed her and then put her back in there. She walked around in the exersaucer for a bit and played. The she reached around and started pulling things off the fridge. We just barely started to childproof and were going to block off the kitchen! So needless to say she can open cupboards and pull papers off the fridge. I let her do that. By, now I am super stressed the casserole is not turning out right. Madie is ripping things, trying to pull the trash bag out of the trash can. I had just spilled tomato sauce all over the tile on the counter top. Nothing is going good. She is wailing again the kitchen looks like a bomb hit it. I look like something out of a scary movie. I am stressed out completely. I finally call Mike and beg him to be on time today and explain to him what had gone on. I am crying on the phone, and he is trying to calm me down! My mascara is running down my face. My kitchen is still a mess, my daughter is still screaming, and I am sitting here shaking my head on the computer blogging about it to all of my mommy friends thinking how I need a shot of something stiff! Today has been one of those days! Countdown till Mike gets home 15 minutes. How the hell did the housewives of the 50's do it? I can't help but be reminded of what good Ole' Jennifer told us in Gymboree always clean yourself up and the baby up before dad comes home. Well, ladies that ain't happening. What turned out to be a nice simple gesture has stressed me out completely! Oy!

Dirty Stories

Well, it seems I just can't help but share the ickiness of mommyhood.

In the last week, Brett has been spitting up- A LOT. I'm not sure why but she doesn't really seem sick. Anyhow, I was nursing her in the morning (I only nurse morning and night now) and she always unlatches and starts crawling around. I was only wearing my robe because I had just showered. She crawls up onto my tummy and BLAH - she spits up right into my belly button! Yuck!

Brett also isn't sleeping well at all. She seems to half-wake up in the middle of the night and cry. This can happen a few times a night. We, many times, bring her into bed with us so that we can get some sleep. Rubbing her back seems to help calm her down. Anyhow, she is very restless and rolls back and forth between my husband and I. She hits her head on the headboard and sometimes even lays horizontally between us. So, that is where this story goes. She is rolling around and ends up horizontally between the two of us. Her head is by my body and her feet are by my husband. My husband, the cuddly guy that he is, moves closer to her and cuddles in. It is at that moment, as her little toosh is near his head, she lets out a huge fart! My husband and I, totally sleep deprived, start hysterically laughing! But, we are doing it as quietly as possible because we don't want to wake her up. So, that was a funny, delirious, moment for us.

Last icky story, again, I'm breastfeeding Brett. This time it was the afternoon because she was fussy and needed a nap. As usual, she unlatches and sits up and then crawls up onto me. I think that maybe she is jiggling the food around to quickly after eating. Anyhow, here we go, she is now standing up and holding onto my hair and BLAH- she spits up into my hair! Yuck! So, I had to take a shower. So gross.

I'm not sure how long this spitting up will last. We have two weeks until her 9-month appointment (I know, can you believe that she is 9-months already?) so we'll get to the bottom of it hopefully.

I think it is funny that, once you are a mom, getting pooped on, farted on or puked on isn't as bad as you might have once thought it would be!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Family Night Out

When Matthew was first born we used to go out to dinner all the time. He was so easy to take places because he just slept in his car seat the WHOLE time! Then after a couple months it became more difficult making it through a meal. We’d try to time it right, but he always ended up needing to be nursed, walked around, or sleep in my arms making it difficult for me to actually eat anything. My husband and I would trade off holding him while the other one ate and we’d try to get in and out as quickly as possible! Haha, not quite the ideal way to go out to dinner. We pretty much gave up on these outings until last night when we decided to give it another try. We left the car seat in the car and decided to let Matthew try the restaurant high chair for the first time (disgusting as they are). He’s been in his high chair at home for a while now, but the wooden ones in restaurants have no support so I wasn’t sure how long he’d be able to sit up in one. Well, he did great! He loved sitting at the table with us in his own chair. He loved playing with the napkins, smiling at everyone who passed by, and banging on the tiles of the table as if they were drums. (Not loudly enough to disturb other diners I hope!) My husband and I were actually able to take our time ordering, enjoy an appetizer, and chat while he played. While we were waiting for our dinner I fed Matthew some peas and squash. Then, when our food came he entertained himself with a sippy cup while we ate and continued our non-baby related conversation! After dinner, the little guy was still going strong so we decided to get dessert. By now he was done playing by himself and wanted to join in the conversation. He just kind of babbled and smiled at us while we finished dessert. We talked to him and told him how proud we were that he was such a good boy at the restaurant. By the time we got home we were about an hour late at starting his bedtime routine, but he didn’t seem to mind the change of schedule. It was so much fun going to dinner as a family, and yet another reminder that our little boy is growing up faster than I could have ever imagined. They really do not stay little for long, but somehow each new stage just gets better and better!